December Photo-a-Day Challenge 9 & 10: Reading and Wrapping

For today’s post, you get two pictures! (Due to a crazy Christmas schedule, I missed yesterday’s photo).

For my December photo challenge day 9, the theme was “Something You’re Reading”. Right now, I’m reading “The Oz Principle” for a Human Relations course. So far, it is great. It explores personal and organizational accountability–how being responsible for goals enriches your situation and outlook. It was taken with the “retro” picture effect on my Sony a65.

For day 10, the theme was “Wrapping Paper”. I don’t have any of my presents wrapped yet (I better get motivated–some of my family will be here this weekend), so you just get a straight shot of paper on the roll. For this shot, I set my Sony a65 on the partial color: green picture effect. I think it added a neat effect on the red and green paper.